Tending to your Higher Heart
Finding the expression of your Soul's longing -6 months weekly online
A warm hello to everyone, Another year is behind us and not an easy year for most, by any means. How are you hoping to approach a new year as we move into 2023? Over the course of time things change and so does our consciousness. We keep expanding. A course is therefore never the same as each participant brings their new Self to it. As we move into 2023, a number 7 year, then this year promises to energetically hold us in a quality of mystery and spirituality and seeking. What a great time to consider deepening the quality of your presence here on earth! Where do you find yourself on your spiritual journey as we approach the end of 2022? What intention of love would you like to embody for yourself and the world? Are you clear of your Soul's longing? Are you familiar with that special felt sense of your Higher Heart?

What to expect
I would like to take you on a journey through the Creative Process, a process in which we intentionally focus our Core energy on what we long to create. We take a look at how we can overcome the aspects of our creative flow that are in resistance, feel stuck, or are not even known to us just yet. Our creative energy bubbles up from a deep well within our being, a well from which our Soul speaks, where our inner voice can be heard. We act on it by becoming an active listener to our personal inner calling. As we look at a world that leaves much to be desired, we will focus on letting go of any expectation that this outer world will change first, and instead we will focus on changing from within. And....January may just be that perfect time for deepening your personal focus and inner work. We will practice inner listening and nudge action on following our Souls' Longing and its guidance. We will cultivate inner stillness, which will enable us to receive the prompts and nudges that well up from deep within, that still small voice. We will grow a more grounded sense of Self. We will work with a clear personal intent to focus our energies to keep to a purposeful path. We will cultivate a grounded and centered presence, rooted in our clear loving Intention and Essence. We will ground our creative power.
Our group will be a safe space to explore ourselves. We will explore taking responsibility for what we are creating. We will grow awareness of ourselves as the creators of our world.
When and where?
Where: online on Zoom
When: Sunday eves, starting January 2024 -7.30 pm London time
Sign up required
Sundays January 2023 at 7.30pm London time
Monthly themes are set around the exploration of personality Styles, their shadow and their Essence frequencies.
The learning is enhanced with contemplation, sharing, creative tools, guided meditations, self-healing work, exercises and practice.
After each session we will take a task into life, to explore and enhance our insights and awareness of Self.
January contemplation: The Dreamer
February contemplation: The Healer
March contemplation: The Peace Keeper
April contemplation: The Challenger
May contemplation: The Organiser
Recommended reading:
Barbara Brennan's' Light Emerging
Undefended Self. Susan Thesenga
I will provide all reading materials in documents by email or online.
The work with these styles will either be new for you or can be taken as a refresher as it continues to shed so much light on our shadow frequencies, and holds enormous possibilities to keep deepening into our inner self encouraging us to keep on a personal path of awakening.
For our online gatherings we will use Zoom
Minimum 6 participants
The course fee:
a/ Payment in full before start of course
b/ Non returnable deposit of £250 followed by 5 monthly payments of £400. Payments are due at the start of each month.
c) Payment plan personal to suit you. (message me for details)
If for some reason the course is cancelled all funds will be returned.
Please connect to enquire for further booking and payment