Pathways to the Self
Maria Olsthoorn EnergyHealingScience/ Artist > Workshops
Pathways to the Self

Pathways to the Self
- previously known as Co-creative Healing
A 6-module training
2013/2014 Module 1 and 2: 21 September – 4 October 2013 |
The training consists of six weeks, spread out over the year, with a two-week beginning in September and a completion week in June of the following year.
I recommend this course wholeheartedly and 100%!
Gael Love Aberdeen
I would absolutely recommend this course, it is very powerful and healing. Fiona /April 2012
The training provides a learning room for the students to deepen into authentic presence and expand on their ability to be and/or work with others. It is intended for anyone interested in committed self-enquiry and is also suitable as on-going professional development for those in the caring professions such as: counsellors, psychotherapists, all types of body-workers, healers, life coaches, doctors, nurses, complimentary therapists and social workers.
The curriculum is designed to meet the participant wherever they are on their journey of self-discovery. Whether just starting or whether they consider themselves more advanced. Participants will learn about themselves, how they block their joy, creativity, and vitality, and will learn, through deep self-enquiry, how they unconsciously stop themselves from what they most want from life. This work on the Self is essential as an aspiration towards a deep sense of authentic presence with the self and with another. Support will be given in making new choices that lead to a more desirable and fulfilling life.
The material of the training is set within an energetic context that views our human existence from a four dimensional perspective: Physicality, Aura / personality, Intentionality and Divine Essence. Within this energetic context the participant studies and experiences the five Character Styles of Wilhelm Reich (expanded on by Lowen, Pierrakos and Brennan). The training works with aspects from Core Energetics, Body Mind Psychotherapy and Pathwork, and draws from energy medicine such as the consciousness of the chakra's, energy therapy and eastern philosophies, and synergizes with the spiritual and educational wisdom held within the energy field of the Findhorn Foundation Community.
This transformational journey will strengthen your container for life and your ability to be a grounding, empathic authentic compassionate Presence for yourself and family, friends, and clients.
Module 1 & 2
21 September – 4 October 2013
Module 1 & 2
Foundations for the transformational journey and grounding into the Self
The module introduces the importance of contact with all dimensions of life and how they flow together. This will serve as our springboard into a holistic understanding of the nature of being. Through personal and group work, reflection, meditation and experiential exercises the participant explores what it means to be grounded in their physical body, and what keeps them from being present in the 'here and now'. The focus in this module is the Schizoid character style and the way in which our life and life choices are influenced by it.
Module 3
23-29 November 2013
The Self in Relationship
Module three deepens the Relationship with the Self and takes the participant on a journey of discovering who they are in relationship to others, partner, spouse, friends, family and other dimensions of life. This module focuses on the Oral character style.
Module 4
8-14 February 2014
Self in relationship to the Divine
The central question in this module is; 'Who am I'? … and enquires into life from the perspective of being a divine being in a human body. The student explores Self-will versus Divine-will, authority and related issues and what it means to surrender to a higher order. We also study the Masochistic character style.
Module 5
12-18 April 2014
The Self, the Wound and the Life task.
This module focuses on the connection between the challenges the student meets on their path, the task before them and the experience they gain from the journey. The student explores their personal unique gifts with which they serve the bigger plan. We study the Psychopathic character style.
Module 6
7-13 June 2014
The module offers a celebration of the participant's journey of self-discovery and transformation as we come to the completion of the training. Each participant presents an art project they have been working on throughout the year. Completion of their journey will be facilitated through group work and personal reflection on the path towards becoming an authentic human being. In module 6 we also study the Rigid character style.
Each week is a rich tapestry mix of individual and relationship based learning. We will explore the anatomy and physiology of our human energy field and learn how to perceive and work with subtle energy consciousness. The participant will be facilitated into deep self-enquiry whilst learning to articulate what is happening for them. There will be space and support to release unconscious defensive behaviors that keep us stuck in patterns of failure and separation, and space to empower the Core Self into the driver's seat of our life. In between weeks there will be homework assignments and the teachers will support the student during a weekly online office hour over the course of the training.
The training will cover the following course content:
• Anatomy and physiology of the energy field
• Anatomy of the emotional wound
• What creates well-being and what causes struggle?
• Character structures, defences and healing responses
• Tools for Inner Work such as meditation, managing intense emotion, working with core beliefs and others.
• Understanding dynamics of the self
• Developing core qualities
• Authentic presence with self and in relationships
Each module provides a rich and balanced combination of presentations, activities and experiential learning and is based on a holistic approach integrating the body, mind, the human heart and spirit.
The content will be enriched and supported by experiential learning and the following activities:
• Healing Circle
• Inner alignment (intention, purpose, service, divine essence)
• Movement and creativity
• Body-mind, Somatic Experience
• Practice sessions
• Other healing tools
The training also involves:
1. Required reading
2. Homework assignments between modules
3. Recording ones' inner transformational journey
4. Ongoing weekly teachers support
5. Art Project
6. Personal therapy sessions
Each module provides a rich and balanced combination of presentations, activities and experiential learning and is based on a holistic approach integrating the mind, body, spirit and the human heart.
Course Outcomes and Objectives
The purpose of the training is to transform the relationship with the self/Self. In so doing we cultivate authentic presence and a solid personal container for life. This strengthens the ability to be with whatever arises in the moment. This work on the self is essential as an aspiration towards a deeper sense of presence with Self and another.
To successfully complete the year each student must reach a set of objectives. These integrated skills include skills from each of the following aspects of the curriculum.
Awakening skills
Each student must demonstrate awareness of their personal process and the ability to reflect on it for themselves as well as share and dialogue with others (fellow students and teachers)
At completion of the year you will have demonstrated that:
- you have demonstrated your ability to track your grounding and ground yourself when required.
- you understand your core wounding.
- you are able to track when you are in defence.
- you are able to recognize your positive and negative choices in life, taking personal responsibility for their consequences.
- you are able to recognize the 5 Character Styles, their wounding, defence systems and gifts, in yourself and others and understand them as a roadmap for healing.
Body-Mind, Somatic experience
The wisdom of the body is released through movement and surrender to previously frozen experiences, held in cellular consciousness.
At completion of the year you will have demonstrated:
- your understanding of motion: 'in motion is e-motion'. Motion awakens the vital force of life and is fundamental to our overall well-being.
- your understanding of interconnectedness of body-emotions-mind and spirit.
- your ability to allow your withheld feelings to free themselves through the body.
Contact skills
How much you are present in the moment indicates that you are in contact and aware of 'what is here now'.
At completion of the year you will have demonstrated:
- that you understand that defence serves to keep you separate, both from yourself and others
- your contact with all levels of being.
- that you are able to come back into contact upon observing that you are in defence.
- an ability to be in your divine essence whilst being in contact with the divine essence of others.
- an embodied understanding of body-emotions-mind- spirit connection.
- that you understand that your wound serves as a gateway to your life task and your unique presence.
- embodiment of your authentic self on all levels of being.
Each student enhances creative expression from the source of their own uniqueness and demonstrates positive and constructive behaviour towards themselves and others.
At completion of the year you will have demonstrated.
- hat you take initiative to positively create what you want to see happen.
- constructive participation in the life of the group.
- the ability to surrender to not knowing, not doing and the need to be in control.
- the ability to track the movement of 'expansion-pause-contraction-pause' in yourself and others and your surrender to the natural pulsation of the flow of life in you.
- pleasure, the ability to surrender to your divine presence and enjoy your creativity.
- that you recognize and honour yourself as a unique aspect of the divine.
Ethics, boundaries and self care (professional practice)
By affirming and honouring your personal ethics, you honour your truth and power. It also provides a clear and safe space for others around you, such as your clients.
At completion of the year you will have demonstrated:
- your understanding for the need for on-going and committed self-enquiry
- your ability to uphold clear boundaries, confidentiality, commitment, time keeping, mutual respect, clear communication.
- strength in your own ethical foundation.
- Self care, you demonstrate respect for the Self through right exercise, nutrition, rest, relationships and nurturing on all levels of being.
- The body as a temple for the expression of your divine Self.
as a demonstration of your ability to be a committed and reliable positive adult, to successfully complete the training;
you have completed all homework assignments, the required Personal Therapy sessions, your Art Project and have fulfilled all tasks as well as the minimum required in class time.
Cost: £3195 / £3695 / £4295 low/medium/high income
Please note:
Additional costs will be incurred for books and therapy sessions in-between the training weeks (participants will be asked to do 8 therapy sessions over the course of the training to support their transformational journey).
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Maria Olsthoorn: I am a Barbara Brennan trained Energy Healer, Process facilitator, Group Therapy facilitator and Supervisor. I draw on 30 years experience working with individuals and groups in a transformational spiritual and educational context. I love teaching and exploring the concept of healing and of the awakening consciousness. |
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Susan Miles has worked in the healing professions for 35 years. She began as a Nurse in Westminster Hospital for 5 years before moving into community based care as a Health Visitor. She then expanded into Complimentary Therapies and qualified in Colonic Irrigation, Massage, and Kinesiology and ran a successful private practice in London for 3 years. She joined the Findhorn Foundation in 1991. Her work currently includes running the long-standing Life Purpose Workshop, other brochure programmes, internal trainings and staff development work through individual mentoring and group supervision. During her time here she has undertaken additional training in Process Oriented Psychology, Person Centred Counselling, Systemic Constellation work and Energetic Cellular Healing. Her passion in life is to connect with and express her true self. What makes her come alive is to be open and curious, to meet life with heartfulness and authenticity, and to affirm the power of positive intent. She enjoys silence and stillness, walking and dancing, and quality time with friends |
Visit Findhorn College website here: Pathways to the Self
Contact Information:
Findhorn College, The Park, Findhorn, Forres, IV36 3TZ
Tel: 01309 690806,
E-mail: [email protected]